Are you a bit disappointed with your email marketing results? Are you fed up with low open rates and poor engagement statistics?
It just may be the right time for you to contact your email marketing service provider for a refresher on:
We all get a bit stale from time to time, but by having someone new to look at your email marketing campaigns you can pull yourself out of the rut. You need to start using the best email marketing technology and make sure your campaigns feature the best practices being used by successful email marketers today.
According to the MarketingSherpa Email Marketing Benchmark Guide carried out last year, of those polled:
These findings strike a chord with me as I much prefer to receive emails than telephone calls myself. I would much prefer to be informed about the latest deals a retailer has to offer via a short and concise email campaign rather than having to surf their website for the information. This takes me 30 seconds to read versus five minutes to find it?
Are you able to answer all three of the following IMPORTANT email marketing questions? If you cannot, your email marketing performance isn’t where it could be or where it should be. (The answers are given below if you are really struggling!)
3. What is the one colour font that you should avoid using?
If you’re finding it tough to answer these questions, you need to call WSIIMS or your email marketing service provider to talk strategy.
Answers: 1. 650 pixels 2. The 2nd subject line is preferred. The 1st has too many Spam-trigger words (sale, clearance) and the 3rd has too many exclamation points. ISPs are now determining where to put your message based on subscriber engagement, but you should still be aware of what works with your subscribers. They might be less likely to act on emails with subject lines that are SPAMMY in nature. 3. Red or any red based hue (some SPAM filters still flag these as dangerous).