Griffin & Black Associates – Website Design & Development
Good website design is all about customer engagement.
It is important that your business website is integrated into your overall marketing strategy and that it is aligned with your business goals and objectives.
Your website should be one of your primary marketing vehicles – your shop window if you like! Having a good looking site is not the be all and end all however and unless your site has the necessary calls to action your site will not generate meaningful business for you.
Your Website is a Sales Funnel
It is important to bear in mind that your audience is primarily driven by their own needs / pains / problems and it is where they are in their own buying cycle which will determine how they will use your website.
Your goal should be to ensure that each page of your website persuades visitors to your site to take the necessary action that leads to the delivery of your business objective (conversion).
It is important to remember that every click on your website is a step towards that conversion. Visitor satisfaction will build confidence until such time as they are ready to make the final click and convert into a customer.
We use Conversion Architecture™ and we start by helping you to define your business goals and the target audience for your website and then make sure that every element within the website is designed to persuade your visitor to take the action you want them to take.
These critical website elements include:
- compelling / persuasive copy
- effective calls to action
- conversion tools such as Live Chat or Click to Call
The guiding philosophy of Conversion Architecture™ is that all websites should have a persuasive purpose.
Using us to build your website incorporating the principles of Conversion Architecture™ will result in more visitors doing what you want them to do – whether that is signing up for a free consultation or buying a new product or service.
The 40 / 40 / 20 Rule
Conversion Architecture™ follows the 40/40/20 Rule – 40% Audience Targeting, 40% Offer & 20% Creativity. These figures come from the Direct Marketing Association and are included in it’s outline of parameters likely to determine the success of a marketing campaign.
Whether or not you use internet marketing strategies such as paid search advertising, dedicated landing pages, viral marketing campaigns etc. you should always regard your website as your primary online marketing vehicle.
Ensure your website is developed using the 40/40/20 Rule where
- every element of the website caters for the majority of users and their varied profiles
- multiple acquisition channels are included within the website allowing you to make a variety of offers and c) aesthetic design and creativity offers unique and personalised experiences for all site visitors
We will engage you in an Information Architecture meeting to help identify the 40/40/20 formula for your business and ensure these are built into your website. Call us today on 07785 308295 / 07786 660123 to book a No Obligation appointment or use the Contact Form.