The Perception of Business Blogs by Business Owners
As digital marketing consultants we have become accustomed to having to convince some of our clients as to why they should have a business blog. Many have pre-conceived ideas that a blog will not work for them, it is not relevant for their industry and it will not increase their sales. Business owners also don’t know what they can write about in their blog or indeed who they have available to do it!
Whilst some of these objections can be valid for some businesses, in the vast majority of cases nothing could be further from the truth.
Blogging can help your business in so many different ways
You don’t necessarily have to hire someone to write blog posts for your business, although if you really cannot resource this from within this is an option worth considering. Ideally though, our view is that encouraging your own staff to write blog posts is an excellent way for you to engage those staff in the business. It gives you and them an opportunity to utilise their talents by inviting them to share their expertise, insights, and experiences with your customers and prospects.
To give an example we recently helped a pest control company put together a new blog for their business. We recommended that the company’s blog should not just include posts from one selected employee or manager – posts should be written by various members of the team from all levels within the organisation:
Pest Control Company Example Blog:
As you can see, engaging your team can significantly enhance the quality of your blog by having specialists write about their area of expertise, not to mention their real life experiences in the field. It will also reduce the workload of the ‘one person blogger’.
Involving your team in your blog posts will also demonstrate to your audience that you have a committed team of experts more than capable of handling pest problems of any nature. This not only helps to build your business brand online it also builds credibility and engenders trust in your company, your team and your service.
Do you have a blog for your business? Would you like to know more? Please leave a comment below or visit WSI IMS – WSI Digital Marketing services for UK Business.