One of the most important activities when you start a new business or wish to promote a new product or service is to network with other business owners. Networking allows you to not only promote your products and services to others, it also helps you to educate people about the unique aspects of yourself and your business and most importantly it gives you the opportunity to make them ambassadors and lead generators for your business.
‘Social Networking’ Online is made easier with websites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. These and other Online social network sites are web-based services that allow individuals or groups, including businesses to create their public or semi public profile, define a list of other users and groups with whom they want to share a connection (’socialise’). These connections can be different for each of their social networking sites.
In the past you had to listen to the radio, watch television or pick up a newspaper to find out what was happening in the world. Now Social networking has changed all that; anyone can communicate, broadcast and interact about “what is being said” and share their opinion with others.
What is Social Networking?
The Wikipedia definition of Social Networking is:
“A social network service focuses on building and reflecting of social networks or social relations among people, e.g., who share interests and/or activities. A social network service essentially consists of a representation of each user (often a profile), his/her social links, and a variety of additional services. Most social network services are web based and provide means for users to interact over the internet, such as e-mail and instant messaging. Although online community services are sometimes considered as a social network service in a broader sense, social network service usually means an individual-centered service whereas online community services are group-centered. Social networking sites allow users to share ideas, activities, events, and interests within their individual networks”. (
Business Social Network
A Business Social Network is a variation of the above, but it focuses only towards business networking, business opportunities, etc. Business Social Networking has become a very effective method for both small and big companies wanting to reach specific people internationally and demographically.
With the help of a Business Social Network, businesses are given the opportunity to reach more people and have a bigger audience to hear about their products and services.
Just like ‘real life’ networking there are basic rules of engagement – it is all about having the same interests. On the Internet, online businesses sharing the same interests would contact each other. If all goes well, they would forge a partnership or an alliance to help improve the effectiveness and brand awareness of each business.
Why Business Networking is important
The important part of Business Social Networking is linking to people around you. On Business Social Networks you are not only linking to people but gathering knowledge about their business and their interests.
A good Business Social Networking service will attract prominent business-focused audiences by creating virtual, interactive and informative meeting places online.
Business networking sites enable you to showcase you and your company’s unique services, position and talents in the most positive way. Previously those important ‘First Impressions’ of you and your business were created by things like your appearance, your business premises, vehicles and such like. Now, an instant impression is likely to be formed via the web before any actual face to face meeting takes place. This means height, weight, etc no longer play as important a role in business success as in the past– all businesses are now on a more even playing field.
Business Network Marketing
Whether you own your own business or work for a company, there are distinct competitive advantages for fro those businesses who better understanding the benefits of using Business Social Networks to promote their products or services.
There a huge amount of conflicting information on the topic of Business Network Marketing on the internet and it can be difficult to separate the good from the bad. LinkedIn, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, flickr, YouTube, Digg, Stumbleupon, Delicious, etc are just a few of the social networking sites to consider when planning your online marketing strategy.
Business Social Networking can certainly help you to promote your business in an easy cost effective way. Effective, social networking can be far more cost effective, than traditional advertising and other marketing – although it takes time, knowledge and dedication. If you do not have the time and knowledge to do it properly yourself you should use professionals, like wsiims, to do it for you.
Business Social Networking can provide the exposure that every business wants. With this kind of exposure, new opportunities can be expected. People looking to buy from a business will look for a well reputed person, group or organization, the more your name is repeated, the more chance of success you have.
Business Social Networking done badly however, can have the opposite effect.
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