The ever increasing number of social networks, blogs, wikis, social bookmarking sites and other Web 2.0 tools has undoubtedly created a new dynamic source of targeted traffic for your website, blog or any other online profile your business might have.
A top rated article on Digg for example will drive far more traffic to your website or blog than a top search engine ranking could ever do. Web 2.0 has created a new way for you to market your company’s products or services to unique and targeted audiences.
Social media (Web 2.0) can also be a very effective tool for you to build or raise awareness of your brand and your online reputation. By building confidence and trust in your brand using social media you will become recognized as a market leader in your field and sales and business leads will undoubtedly follow. Your brand and reputation is what you are! You should strive to become recognised by the online community that follow you as the persuasive and unique voice in your targeted market. Your goal is to create a dedicated band of followers online; ambassadors for your business if you like.
Social Media Marketing (SMM) is a much like ‘word of mouth’ marketing – but via the use of Web 2.0 tools such as media sharing (video, images), social bookmarking, social networking and content sharing websites. To make Social Media Marketing work for you, you must give people a good and solid reason why they should visit your website or blog, The best way to do this is to create excellent original content which adds value to them.
Social Media Marketing is not the same as SEO
With Social Media Marketing you are marketing directly to your targeted audience whilst with SEO, you are marketing primarily to the search engines. Search Engine Optimization is all about building your website’s ranking on the search engines. Social Media Marketing is about building relationships and building a community directly with your customers and prospects.
With the advent of social media the world has become much more transparent. People now use the internet and social media particularly to research their next purchase. Your products and services need to be out there and good things need to be being said about you. Businesses can no longer remain anonymous if they want to do business on the internet.
Social Media and the sharing of valuable content brings you a new opportunity to shine a new light on your businesses and brand.
Online marketing has changed and will continue to change
Online marketing and methods have changed significantly since we started our internet marketing business back on 2005. The old style of controlling your market just will not work anymore. Businesses owners now have to understand that Social Media Marketing can offer them the quickest route to market online. You will need to commit the time and resources to do it properly – Social Media Marketing is about publishing and sharing original and interesting content in order to create trust and building relationships. It is not about selling directly.
With Social Media Marketing you can promote your brand and services by establishing a presence on targeted Web 2.0 tools and systems. These Web 2.0 tools can include social networks like Facebook, blogs, wikis, StumbleUpon, Digg, LinkedIn, etc. Each of these tools comes with its own rules of engagement. Your online marketing strategy needs to be developed taking this into account.
What you should expect from Social Media Marketing
Whilst social media marketing is no longer new, it is only now that successful online businesses are recognising the remarkable potential of this phenomenon. If you would like some help using social media marketing in your business please contact wsiims today.