Social Media includes all the social networks that allow people to come together to exchange ideas, views opinions and even become friends. These social media channels include: video and photo sharing sites, blogs, micro-blogs and other Web 2.0 related websites. Social media also includes the sharing of news and events together with the ‘social bookmarking’ of other websites that you have found interesting and think will also be of interest to your friends.
Social media is all about building relationships. It centres around the human need to share and interact with others. It is about engaging in conversation with your friends and peers. It is also about discussing the latest news and your opinions with people who share the same interests as you. Social Media, also known as Web 2.0 is taking our basic human need and applying it to the technology available today via the Internet.
Web 2.0 (social media) is more than just a new technology trend. It is the social interaction with technology assistance. Social media users are real people – like you. They relate, communicate, react, desire, feel, and think just as you do. They do this with emotion and a passion of life.
Social media is different to other traditional media forms because it allows for interaction and encourages participation by everyone that uses it. This way of communicating is much different than the traditional way of broadcasting your message on the web.
The old traditional way of participation was limited to only few if any direct respondents and then usually only one at a time. With social media, everyone has the opportunity to interact at their time of choosing. Social media allows every person to easily create their own content and broadcast it to the world. It allows for collaboration, sharing and interaction. This just isn’t possible with traditional media.
Social Media is definitely here to stay. Many businesses are already incorporating this channel onto their existing marketing efforts. Why not join in and start broadcasting your message to the world?
The Search engines are great admirers of the Web 2.0 websites as they have revolutionised the internet. Building backlinks is still a powerful off page Search Engine Optimisation method in the internet marketing world but the process is quite tedious and tiresome. Building backlinks for your website requires time and dedication as it is a long and slow process. Most of the time you will only be able to view the backlinks you have created some 2 or 3 months down the line..
So, if you are in the process of building backlinks for your website, why not start by building backlinks on the popular Web 2.0 websites and channels?
We give below a comprehensive list of Web 2.0 sites/channels/directories where you can submit your website. Most of these websites are quite popular and the search engines ‘spiders’ love them so much that they crawl these sites all day, every day!.
Please note that most of these sites/directories are “Social Bookmarking” and “Social Networking” sites.
Web 2.0 sites
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